
Írta: loffice blog

Artmagazin special prize winners @LOFFICE


The 3 representatives of contemporary Hungarian applied arts: Katalin Kovacs, Andras Szabo • Emil Goodman, Barnie have an exhibition at LOFFICE, organized by Artmagazin.

Artmagazin established a special prize, each year the winner is a graduated student of Moholy-Nagy University of art and design Budapest.

Katalin Kovács

The location is my village, the models are my loved ones. They are shown in strange, naked situtations, as if their existence was full of childish curiosity, naivity and informality in this rather bizarre place - as they actually exist in my mind.


From the very beginning his prior goal was to be and stay a self-conscious artist, who has no barriers when it comes to take the best picture. He represents a faster, moving and impulsive art by using digital technics, but while he believes in the easily maintainable, he still cares a lot about preparation. He’s playing a lot with contrasts. If you take a better look on his compositions, you’d see, that the models are usually in a foily, very questionable situation. Direct lights, harsh games of lightning, abstract, sometimes surreal sets, contrasts and exaggerations are all making his themes more and more intense, calling for the question: is it commercial, fashion or art?

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