
Írta: loffice blog


Nora Winkler had her book debut in Loffice, where people had the chance to take part on a tour with full of magic. Nora came out with the idea to make a spontaneous guided tour on four floors of the house. The chapters of her book bring the reader closer to important moments and pieces of Nora's life. In Loffice people had the chance to get a little bit closer to her chapters.

THAT DAY WAS FULL WITH MAGIC..WATCH THE VIDEO BY clicking on "CSILLAGTÚRA KÖNYVBEMUTATÓ" on the upper left side of the video, otherwise you cannot see just the half of it...sorry for the inconveniences :)


Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: kultúra office program art winkler bemutató kulturális book exhibition nora coworking contemporary loffice

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