
Írta: loffice blog

TabletTailorPASHA working @Loffice

"Let us tell you a little about how Tablet2Cases did not start...

It was in a moment of irrefutable epiphany when the business plan for Tablet2Cases unrolled in my mind as if by my maid.

I, Pasha Cartier VI, came up with the idea before the commencement of the invitational Harvard polo match during my senior year.

Just as my dearest friend Sagi was holding my daddy’s prized gelding, I slipped and with horror watched as my tablet fell into the quagmire below.

It was hopeless. The tablet was lost to the vile muck that no self-respecting gentleman could bear to touch.

It was at that moment that a peculiar idea entered my head – what if I was a commoner and could not afford to purchase another tablet?

The rest, as the French say was history: the meetings with investment bankers, stock swaps, a chateau on the Riviera, yet so little time for polo…

The truth…

…of the matter is that I never went to college and only saw a horse once at a farm during a school field trip.

I am Pasha and I am a mobile tablet addict and a klutz who dropped, scratched and nicked my tablet too many times to count. When I searched online for ways to keep my baby all shiny and new, all I found was slick salesmen and endless spam.

That was the moment when the answer hit me and I finally knew for the first time in my life ‘what I wanted to be when I grow up.’

I said goodbye to my gecko breeding business and teamed up with Sagi, my best friend, who after nine years working the McDonalds nightshift has agreed to quit and join me on our quest.

What you see before you today is our dream – the ultimate online portal and a definitive authority for carrying cases for tablet PCs found anywhere.

Sagi wanted it also, but supersized.

Through meticulous research, and complete dedication to making our dream come true, we’ve done the impossible.

We’ve cross referenced a moderated wiki style knowledge repository with reviews, ratings, photos and all available information for every single tablet PC case throughout the world. This wealth of information is interlinked with a Tablet2Cases online store which provides shoppers with the largest selection of tablet cases at the lowest possible prices."

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